護膚文章 — Deep Cleansing

日日敷?點樣敷?過夜好唔好? Gel Mask Q & A by Ketchup - éPure

日日敷?點樣敷?過夜好唔好? Gel Mask Q & A by Ketchup

市面上有paper mask、cream mask等面膜種類,究竟gel mask有咩好?其實gel mask等唔等於sleeping Mask?而面膜究竟可唔可以日日敷?點樣敷先最正確?去片即解答以下4大問題。 By Ketchup


Review: Face Mask for Oily Skin – éPure Membranous Jelly Masque! - éPure

Review: Face Mask for Oily Skin – éPure Membranous Jelly Masque!

By Roseanne I’m really amazed at the results of the masque. I mean look. It really is like instant results. When you wash it off, and look in the mirror, you really see that your skin looks different. It has a subtle glow to it but not over the top which is great for people like me with oily skin. It’s that subtle matte glow that makes you look as if you are wearing make-up.

